我们正在开发用于快速术中组织病理分析的光学相干层析 (OCT)技术。OCT 是一种功能强大的非侵入性显微成像工具,已被广泛用于临床诊断,尤其是在眼科和心脏手术领域。此前,我们发明了针形光束 (NB) 技术来解决分辨率和焦深之间的矛盾,进而能够快速生成 3D 高分辨率图像。并将 NB-OCT 应用于皮肤癌诊断,同时开发了基于 AI 的活体组织虚拟病理染色分析技术。
目前,我们有两个正在进行的项目。第一个项目是配合达芬奇手术机器人系统的 NB-OCT 内窥镜,通过精准检测前列腺的神经血管束(NVB),以保护它们在前列腺癌手术中免受损伤。第二个项目是基于活细胞固有代谢振动谱的全场 OCT技术,用于对术中的肿瘤切除物进行快速的术中病理分析。这种无标记、单细胞分辨率的OCT成像技术预期在10分钟内分析100 平方厘米的样本,从而能够精确分析肿瘤边缘、显著提升手术效果,惠及每年数百万的国内患者。
Zhao, Jingjing, Aidan Van Vleck, Yonatan Winetraub, Lin Du, Yong Han, Sumaira Aasi, Kavita Yang Sarin, and Adam de la Zerda. "Rapid cellular-resolution skin imaging with optical coherence tomography using all-glass multifocal metasurfaces." ACS nano 17, no. 4 (2023): 3442-3451. [PDF]
Zhao, Jingjing, Yonatan Winetraub, Lin Du, Aidan Van Vleck, Kenzo Ichimura, Cheng Huang, Sumaira Z. Aasi, Kavita Y. Sarin, and Adam de la Zerda. "Flexible method for generating needle-shaped beams and its application in optical coherence tomography." Optica 9, no. 8 (2022): 859-867.[PDF]
Cao, Rui, Jingjing Zhao (co-first author), Lei Li, Lin Du, Yide Zhang, Yilin Luo, Laiming Jiang et al. "Optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy with a needle-shaped beam." Nature Photonics 17, no. 1 (2023): 89-95. [PDF]
Guo, Xiangyu, Jingjing Zhao (co-first author), Liqun Sun, Varun Gupta, Lin Du, Komal Sharma, Aidan Van Vleck et al. "Visualizing cortical blood perfusion after photothrombotic stroke in vivo by needle-shaped beam optical coherence tomography angiography." PhotoniX 5, no. 1 (2024): 7.[PDF]
Winetraub, Yonatan (co-first author), Aidan Van Vleck (co-first author), Edwin Yuan (co-first author), Itamar Terem (co-first author), Jinjing Zhao, Caroline Yu, Warren Chan et al. "Noninvasive virtual biopsy using micro-registered optical coherence tomography (OCT) in human subjects." Science Advances 10, no. 15 (2024): eadi5794. [PDF]
Guo, Xiangyu, Xiaochen Li, Xinyue Wang, Mingxin Li, Xiaochuan Dai, Lingjie Kong, Qun Hao, Jingjing Zhao (Corresponding author), Yong Huang, and Liqun Sun. "Wearable optical coherence tomography angiography probe for freely moving mice." Biomedical Optics Express 14, no. 12 (2023): 6509-6520. [PDF]
Zhao, Jingjing, Yonatan Winetraub, Edwin Yuan, Warren H. Chan, Sumaira Z. Aasi, Kavita Y. Sarin, Orr Zohar, and Adam de la Zerda. "Angular compounding for speckle reduction in optical coherence tomography using geometric image registration algorithm and digital focusing." Scientific Reports 10, no. 1 (2020): 1893. [PDF]